Ipomoea batatas


Bread of every day

Kumara Ipomoea batatas

It is a perennial plant with creeping and climbing stems several meters long. Alternate leaves, the shape and color of the leaves, as well as the tubers, are different depending on the varieties.


It was one of the main tubers that supported the daily diet in ancient times, both cooked and natural. Today it is still an important food for the community, although less and less cultivated.


It is traditionally reproduced by guides.


Subspontaneous and present in the natural environment, in some sectors of the island (Rano Kau).


It is widely grown in gardens and private plots. Research and conservation of the existing varieties in Rapa Nui is recommended.


Of South American origin, it is today cultivated throughout the world, in the tropics and in regions with a warm temperate climate.

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